Become a Member
Becoming a member is easy, We do not charge dues, we do not charge to attend our events. to become a member you simply click on the following link and it will take you to our Facebook page and to become a member you simply Join the facebpok page, There are 3 questons to answer, they are required to be accepted.
Once you have been accepted you are required to attend your Chapter’s monthly cruise-in at least 3 times a year, thats if you live in a active chapter, go to the Chapter link above and find out what chapter you are in.
If your just wanting to join another Facebook group for information I encourage you to not join, we are looking for members that will be active in their chapter.

Pa. Modern Mopar
Facebook Rules
- Be respectful to others, even if you don’t like their car or personality.
- Only car related items or group merchandise can be posted for sale.
- No posting that advertises another car club or group is allowed.
- PAMM events can only be posted by a Chapter managers, If you have an idea for a event contact Mike Brown. Ideas are always welcome.
- Car shows from other groups or organizations can be posted once, then every 7 days or so go and comment on the original post and It will bring it to the top of the discussion. Do not relist the car show.
- If you are having a problem with any individual, please contact an Chapter manager or Mike Brown, Lets deal with it before it gets out of hand.
- We are a family friendly group that does meet outside of Facebook, for that reason we do not allow any person that is listed on the State of Pennsylvania Megan’s law website to be a member.
- Vendors can only advertise on Tuesday and please only one post.
Any of the above can be a reason for a group Administrator to remove you from the group, please be fore warned. Lets have fun.