8-Time Club Champions
We take winning the Club Challenge very seriously, We bring more cars than anyone else to the largest Mopar event in the world.

Is it your First time going to the Carlisle Chrysler Nationals? or its been awhile since you attended the show, The Chrysler Nationals has grown to be the largest show Carlisle events puts on, last count I believe there was 3700 cars on the showfield.
Here is our quick guide to enjoying the 4 day event.
Day 1 Thursday: Club tent set up day, Volunteers are needed to set up the tent at 11am, (ony takes 30 Minutes) this day is used for vendors and clubs to set up their tents, if you have the day off work come check it out, if not dont worry.
Day 2 Friday: Almost all vendors and club tents should be set up, this is the best day to walk the fairgrounds and see all the vendors, about 1/2 of the participants should be on the fairgrounds showfield, Carlisle Events ask you to park in your class, they do drive around and check.
Day 3 Saturday: If you can only come for one day, this is the day you will want to do it, the showfield will be packed, park your car and detail it right away, then go get your goodie bag down by the Stadium at customer service, then stop by the club tent to get your Free T-Shirt. Walk the midway and then I suggest you start judging as soon as possible, you may have lots of walking to do and if its going to be a hot day, get the judging out of the way.
12 noon is the clubs FREE BBQ lunch at the club tent, all members and their families eat free, Now is the time to hang out and meet some other members. You are welcome and encouraged to utilize the club tent at any time, Free Bottled water for you and your family.
Day 4 Sunday: The winners are posted at 9 am at the stadium and online, to get your trophy or for someone else to get your trophy you will need your windshield registration card, you can have Carlisle ship your trophy to you for a fee. We start taking down the tents banners and packing up around 10 or 11am, we can always use volunteers.
To make the greatest Mopar event on earth better, vehicles need to be voted on based on the quality of the Vehicle and not by what club they are in.
As the number 1 club on the showfield we are targeted with all types of accusations of club voting, To set the record straight as a club we do NOT sit down in a group and pass around car numbers and classes to other members, We no NOT photo copy ballots, We do NOT have a list of members cars to give out. Networking member and friends to swap votes is looked down upon by the Carlisle staff. We bring more cars to the show so we should take home more trophies as a club, so there is NO reason to do club voting.
It is participant voting, In some instances the difference between getting a 1st place Trophy and not trophing at all might be as little as 4 votes.
- Arrive early (6:30 to 7 am) and get as close as possible to your class marker. this is #1 for a reason. do it.
- Have your hood up regardless of it still being a stock compartment.
- Have a club decal on your windshield
- Hangout at the front of your car and talk to people, pitch the items they can and cannot see. hand out business like cards with vehicles picture and info on it.
- Network with Club members and friends and get them to stop by and judge your car.
- Do NOT display trophies won from other car shows.
- Use props to highlight your theme.
- Roll down your windows.
- Dust your vehicle several times a day
- Unless your lucky enough to get a corner spot with extra room, do not have your doors open. voters dont want to squeeze between open doors.
- When you pull into your spot, dont pull all the way to the street, wait for others in your class to park and then pulls yours up 3 to 5 inches further into the road, looking down your class your nose should be the furthest out.
Good Luck…..